Festival Opening and Presentation at AB+ Club, Thurday 29, November, from 18,30.
There will be feature an Audio-Video performance V-Scratch by Valerio Spoletini,
a software/hardware environment which allows for unique visual interpretations in turntable composition and an interactive video installation by TODO.
Dj set by Technocommunity.
Exhibition Opening at 32 Dicembre Cultural Association.
The artists taking part to the exhibition are:
Tom De Smedt, Frederik De Bleser, Lucas Nijs [B]
Michael Schmitz [D]
Ricard Marxer [E]
Andreas Koller, Philipp Steinweber [A]
Alex Dragulescu [RO/USA]
Gleetchplug Design [IT]
Pedro Mari [IT]
The exhibition will be open, after the opening, on Saturday 1 December from 18:00 to 22:00 and on Sunday 2 December from 16:00 to 20:00.
Lecture cycle for discussing and understanding the present and the new creative and experimental methodologies which employ electronical
and informational systems.
The artists are invited to present their methodologies and strategies, by showing
some published and unpublished works, with the aim of understanding the common
outline and, subsequently, the expressive potentialities of the proposed works.
16.30 | Crafting Computational Calligraphies
Ricard Marxer Piñón will present Caligraft
17.30 | Artificial Creativity in Graphic Design
Tom De Smedt, Frederik De Bleser, Lucas Nijs will present Nodebox project
18.30 | Evolutionary Algorithms in Fonts and Logotype Design
Michael Schmitz will present genoTyp and
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